Why learn with 2Learn.org


The amount of time expended amounts to the time it takes to answer approximately 125 multiple choice questions.  You are able to save your resonses and edit them, so you can take your time and really think about your answers.  When you are satisfied with your responses, you are then ready to purchase your consultation report.  Based upon the answers you have given on our consultation form, a consultation report is prepared for you.  "Problem areas" are identified and suggestions are outlined.  Upon payment, your username and password will allow you to view your consultation report on our website.  If you choose to, you can print or save your custom report to your computer.  Now parents, guardians, teachers, and other concerned parties can spend their time actually teaching as a united front.  The lack of time and communication are no longer issues.  This is the way education is supposed to work.  When a child sees their family working together with their school, the child is more apt to become a part of that supportive dynamic.  The most effective educational programs are those that unite all individuals in a concerted effort towards improvement.

Not everyone learns in a school building.  There is also a homeschool version of the consultation report, to address the needs of a student learning in a home environment.  I hope that you find your consultation report helpful in your quest for "Better Learning".