Learning Styles Identifier

What is your learning style?

- Please answer ALL of the following questions.
- You must answer all of the questions for your results to be interpreted by our scoring system.
- To change an answer, deselect the unwanted checkbox and select your new answer.

  1. You are trying to learn a new spelling word.  You are most often successful when....

    a. you try to see the spelling word, and its letters, in your mind.
    b. you try to sound out the spelling word.
    c. you figure out the spelling word by writing it on a piece of paper.

  2. You buy something in a store that needs to be assembled.  You are most often successful when....

    a. you read and follow the directions.  You need to see the directions.
    b. the store clerk tells you how to put the object together.  You need to hear the directions.
    c. you just start putting the object together.  You figure out where the pieces belong. You need to manipulate the pieces.

  3. You are a passenger in a car, and you pass a sign with a phone number on it.  You need that number, and you do not have a pen or paper.  You would...

    a. visualize the numbers in your head.
    b. say the phone number out loud, over and over.
    c. pretend to write the phone number in the air, or on your leg, with your finger.

  4. You try to remember someone you met a month ago.  It is easiest for you to remember....

    a. their face, or what they looked like.
    b. their voice, or what they said.
    c. their movements, or what they did.

  5. You have read your text book, attended a lecture, and have taken notes.  You are given a test.  When you think of the answers, you most often remember...

    a. what you read in your text book.
    b. what was said in the lecture you attended.
    c. what you wrote in your notes.

  6. You are working at your dining room table in the summertime.  The thing that is most distracting is....

    a. the clutter on the table.
    b. the noise.
    c. the curtain blowing in the breeze.

  7. You need to go someplace in an unfamiliar neighborhood.  You have 10 minutes to get there.  You would be most successful if you...

    a. look at a map to figure out where you are going.
    b. stop and ask someone for directions.
    c. keep riding and try to figure it out yourself.

  8. You usually learn best when....

    a. you are given written material, and diagrams to read.
    b. someone verbally explains the topic to you.
    c. you are able to participate in a hands-on demonstration.

  9. Which of these best describes you:

    a. I am good at jigsaw puzzles, and seeing if something is out of place.
    b. I am good at remembering words to a song, and hearing if someone is singing off key.
    c. I am good at building things with my hands, and fixing things that are broken.

  10. To figure out what another person is feeling, you usually....

    a. look at a person's facial expression.
    b. listen to the person's tone of voice.
    c. observe the person's body language and movement.

  11. Look at this: c - a - t         After looking at the letters, you....

    a. saw a picture of a cat in your mind.
    b. imagined hearing the word cat, or imagined the sounds a cat would make.
    c. saw images of a cat moving, or remembered petting or playing with a cat.

  12. You enter a grocery store, alone. You want to buy a candy bar, so you get the candy and stand on line.  You most often tend to....

    a. look at the things around you.
    b. start a conversation with someone.
    c. become fidgety and wiggly.

  13. When you are reading, you tend to....

    a. visualize what you are reading.
    b. either read out loud, or imagine hearing the words you are reading.
    c. become fidgety, and can almost feel what the characters are doing or feeling.

  14. Someone stops you and asks you for directions.  You would....

    a. see the places you were describing in your mind, as you gave the directions.
    b. just say the directions.
    c. need to point, or turn your body as you gave the directions.

  15. You learn best from a teacher who....

    a. uses the blackboard, interactive whiteboard, or projector.
    b. lectures or who uses guest lecturers.
    c. uses hands-on activities or manipulatives.


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If you like your answers, read below.


- You must click the "Submit My Scores" button to get the final scores.
- If you change your answer(s) after clicking this button, you must click the button again to readjust your multi-sensory score.


   Multi-sensory Learner
If the number in this red box is either 0, 1, or 2, .

If the number in the red box is not 0, 1, or 2, click the button next to the largest number.
    Visual Learner
    Auditory Learner
    Tactile/Kinesthetic Learner

        Learning Styles Identifier (c) 2003 - 2025 Linda Blumenthal
All Rights Reserved.
This program is copyrighted and may not be reproduced or distributed in any manner.